Monday, September 5, 2016

Post Graduate and Me

This might be a long delay post from 2014..

First of all, congratulations for the achievement to enroll post graduate studies. Just have fun during the studies and don't stress too much ^.^

The decision to enroll post graduate studies was in May 2011, but I had to pass since I was heavily pregnant during that time. I thought my weekend will be well spend with school and study stuffs ever since my husband was still working in KL.

In 2012, 4 months after I gave birth to my eldest, UMS offered me (again) to continue my post graduate studies in Ms.Education in Science. I was reluctant at first, but after hundreds of discussion with my husband ( oh, by that time, husband transferred to hometown ), mums and sister, I went to register myself...and the excitement of upside down started..

The journey from my hometown, Keningau to UMS is about 2.5 hours. Classes will be on weekend basis, every fortnight. So, after school in Friday, my mum, baby and me will started our journey to KK. This happened fortnightly for two years! I was tired..mum was too..even my sister as the co-nanny too. Them two sacrificed a lot in their time and money just to ensure I will go to class sigh..Blessed to have them in my life.

The greatest experiences were we had to stop in the middle of the road to calm down my baby , or just to breast fed him. Not to say when he was down with fever, cough or any other sickness. What more with the never ending assignments, discussions and presentations that we need to settle down within certain times. Man..I was tired..And until today, I still couldn't believe I DID all those! I just don't have any idea where was my energy and strength from. I cried..I screamed..

Another memory was when I had to attend one-day seminar at the UMS. Baby was with my mum and husband at home. I started my journey in the early morning, and when I had to drive back later that evening, the rain poured heavily that some road cannot be used as the water were suddenly overflowed from the drain nearby. I started to cry thinking that my poor baby might be crying asking for me.. sigh..

As I mentioned early, there were lots of upside downs during these two years. But, when I handed out my final hard copy of dissertation, I was mixed-feeling.. When I checked my result from the web, and the invitation to the convocation, I was crying..heavily..only God knows..

P.H.D? Maybe, one fine day...

Yoga and Me

I started Yoga somewhere in July 2013 because it like a 'hit' during that time. To see most of my Ig's friends posted their poses and progress in Yoga practice was totally hit me to give it a try. I was in my 15 months post-partum that time with 54 kg.

I still remember during my first few months practicing the yoga was mainly about to get the 'perfect-pose' to be uploaded ..sigh..I didn't took serious with the sun salutation, I just warmed up with whatever compound exercise I could think of. -.-

This happened for couple of months, until one day I joint my fellow friends to have Yoga Outdoor. They asked me about Sun Salutation A and B, and I was like..what? duhh? again, what? @.@ Days after that, I browsed the proper Sun Salutation A and B from the Youtube, and tried to follow the flow. I was dying. Ahaaaa..My whole body was sore. And I couldn't imagine if I joint a class..sigh

(The above picture was taken somewhere in 2014)

In middle 2014,  the feeling to practice to get the 'perfect-pose' was become lessen, but I still joint yoga challenges , hosted by Yogis around the world from the Ig. There are times I push my body up to its limit, but all I get were muscle sores and bruises especially at the legs and forearms. sigh.. 

In 2015, I slow down my Yoga practice as soon as I knew I was carrying baby number two. I didn't do any inversions (headstand, forearm..)  as I guess I was not ready and scared that I might fall down ..

At 3 months post-partum, I started my yoga practice again. This second pregnancy made my weight shoot up to 25 kgs more ! And I just lost 6 kgs after delivery. When I started my light practices, clean and healthy eating, I was in my heaviest I guess, 67kg mannnnn -.- I just couldn't see myself long enough in front of the mirror, I just can't..sigh..

Up until today, I am still learning to deepen my flow with the help from Youtube. And at 12 months post-partum, I could smile again to see the scale slowing down to 56kg ..